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Relaxed into Winter
10 Weeks Online Mindfulness Course
( The Course will be held in german, find the german description HERE )

Group Dance
Cozy Winter

Registration closed

Life's challenges or waves are inevitable...
but it is possible to be more relaxed and calm!

Expand the well-being from a restriction-free summer into the colder season.
We live in challenging times where unpredictabilities are omnipresent.
In this introductive 10 weeks course, learn to relax into the present moment and explore your possibility for self-efficiacy and care no matter the outer circumstances.

Winter Views

Group 1

10 Zoom Online Sessions

- Wednesdays, 19h30
- Duration: 1,5 hours
-  Start: September 1, 2021

-  End: November 3, 2021
-  max. 16 participants

Add-On for all participants

Inspirations for practicing in your daily life

- emails with mindfulness tips, easily to implement in your daily life
-  they contain texts or short audios with mini meditations
- they come to you weekly, monday and thursday

Group 2

10 Zoom Online Sessions

- Fridays, 12h00
- Duration: 1,5 hours
-  Start: September 3, 2021

-  End: November 5, 2021
- max.16 participants

Your Invest

Early Bird

Book until 5th August 2021

€ 299,-


€ 399,-

Please send your registration through the form on the right. Choose the preferred group (Wednesday evening or Friday midday).
With Sending the form you agree that your data for purpose of your registration to RELAXED INTO WINTER is processed. More you find in the Datenschutzerklärung

When I receive the form I will send you the invoice per mail. Please transfer the Amount.

After I have received the amount I will send you general Information and the Zoomlink where we will always meet the 10 weeks.
On 30th August you will receive a welcomemail and after that twice a week accompaning tips I put together to support getting more mindful, calming down, being awake and playful in the midst of daily life.

If there any questions don't hesitate to contact me under or by phone +43 676 6009145

I am glad to support you and having 10 great weeks together!
Yours Karin


Yes! I want to make this gift of mindfulness to myself

Thank you for joining!

"The first six months, try only to build up your power of concentration, to create an inner calmness and serene joy. You will shake off anxiety, enjoy total rest, and quiet your mind. You will be refreshed and gain a broader, clearer view of things, and deepen and strengthen the love in yourself. And you will be able to respond more helpfully to all around you.”  

Thich Nhat Than

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Hello! My name is Karin Szivacsek.
As Mindfulness & Relaxation Trainer with more than 10 years of experience and practice in this area, as well as Yogateacher, I am your company and support in this 10 weeks. The practice of mindfulness, awareness & meditation- in all its simplicity and beauty- is my big passion and not only one time this capacity we all have helped me through challenging periods of my life.
 To know how to support yourself, how to calm the mind, how to embrace yourself and the moment without judgement and to know possibilities to realize your self- efficacy is priceless.
I am glad and looking forward to get known to you!

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